This page is designed to bring resources and information important to older adults and their families together in one place. We hope to build on this site and provide helpful tools to our senior members and their families.
Aging and Society
Physical Changes of Aging
Mental Health, Grief and Loss Later in Life
The Family and Social Support Systems
Caregiving in Families
Home & Community-Based Services
Chronic Conditions Among Older Adults
Cognitive Changes of Aging
Nutrition-Fitness-Healthy Life in Aging
Advance Care Planning & Directives and Hospice & Palliative Care
Estate Planning
Financial Choices and Challenges
Medicare & Medicaid

Senior Spirit Newsletter
(Compliments of the Society of Certified Senior Advisors)

Information for Life Kit
The Information for Life kit is a tool that allows members to put together a comprehensive compilation of their personal, legal, medical and financial information all in one place. This kit is a specially designed product from Society of Certified Senior Advisors.
To order a hard-copy of the Information for Life Kit Click Here
The government has a one-stop resource aimed at older Americans, their families, friends and caregivers to answer questions about getting older.
Under the Department of Health and Human Services, links you to a broad array of federal information, including how to find local services and resources in your community for everything from healthy aging to elder justice to long-term care. The government site is also organized by topic or issue; just not as many categories as our Aging Resources page.