Operation Santa’s Elves is a national service campaign promoted by Assured Life Association to help bring the joy of Christmas and Santa to the lives of needy children right in our own neighborhoods.
It’s easy to participate! Have your own toy drive or seek out a local organization or program that assists in providing Christmas gifts to kids that would not otherwise receive anything for Christmas. Regardless of the program or its name, we want to count it towards Operation Santa’s Elves.
For many members and chapters, these are projects that we do every year. However, when we compile them into a nationwide report, the impact that we make as a Society can be shared by all of us. It really is true; every little bit helps. So, help us with Operation Santa’s Elves and let’s see what we can accomplish together again this year.
Online Resources Below
The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

Contact a local social service agency in your area such as the United Way, Catholic Charities, The Salvation Army, or other local organization specific to your area, to connect with a family in need that you can help. Magnolia Camp 92 of Riverside, California has done this successfully for many years.

The Salvation Army is well-known for its bell ringers, Red Kettle and Angel Tree programs during the holidays. Many needy families turn to the Salvation Army for assistance during these tough times to help provide for their families. All families should have the opportunity to see the joy on their children’s faces when they discover presents under the Christmas tree. That is why we sponsor Operation Santa’s Elves.
Check with your local Corps Community Center regarding their programs during the holiday season. Click on the Salvation Army Logo or any link to the Salvation Army and use the zip code search in the upper right-hand corner to locate your nearest center. Please note: most locations begin registration as early as October, so it’s recommended you contact your local Salvation Army as soon as possible to inquire about how you can help.