Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP, is a national program that offers one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families. Through federal grants directed to states, SHIPs provide free counseling and assistance via telephone and face-to-face interactive sessions, public education presentations and programs, and media activities. If you want to know more about the SHIP program in your state, or you want to contact a SHIP counselor in your area, click here.
Families USA
A national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health and long-term care for all Americans, FamiliesUSA is the voice for health care consumers.
Kaiser Family Foundation
The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured provides policy papers and frequent updates and analysis of Medicaid issues. The Kaiser Family Foundation site also provides resources for major health care issues facing the United States.
Senior Medicare Patrol
Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education.
Social Security Administration
Society of Certified Senior Advisors®. Working with Older Adults – A Professional’s Guide to Contemporary Issues of Aging